When’s the next book coming out?
NOBODY’S FOOL is now available in the US and for pre-order in the UK March 27, 2025.
THINK TWICE — was released on May 14, 2024
I WILL FIND YOU – is out in paperback.
THE MATCH is out in trade paperback now, with the mass market coming out on July 9, 2024
WIN – March 16th 2021
THE BOY FROM THE WOODS is available in paperback
RUN AWAY is available in paperback
Magical Fantastical Fridge
Harlan’s children’s book ages 4 – 8, is available now
Click here to order.
SHELTER, SECONDS AWAY and FOUND the young adult series featuring Mickey Bolitar are available in paperback. The first trilogy is now complete. There may be more in the series but at present there are no plans for another. Myron Bolitar does appear in these
For a list of all the novels, click here.
What is the order of the Myron Bolitar novels?
You can get an easy-to-carry print-out of these lists here.
Will you write another Myron Bolitar novel?
Yes! THINK TWICE, the 12th Myron Bolitar book will be released on May 14, 2024. And for those who missed it, Myron also appeared in the young adult novels SHELTER, SECONDS AWAY and FOUND.
I know you’re going to continue writing books for adults, but I’d like more information on the Mickey Bolitar Young Adult series. Where can I find it?
The website MickeyBolitar.com is specifically for the young adult readers and awfully cool. Visit! I’ve really enjoyed the reaction, especially the parents who are sharing the reading experience with their teen. It does a heart good.
Where and when were you born?
January 4, 1962 in Newark, New Jersey. Yes, that’s the same town where Myron Bolitar and Will Klein were born and raised. I still live in New Jersey.
Where did you go to school?
Livingston High School class of 80, Amherst College class of 1984.
Are the books available in e-book, big print or audio formats?
Yes, all the books are available in a wide-range of formats, including Kindle, Nook, iBook, Kobo, abridged and unabridged audio — almost every format available.
Are any of the characters based on real people in your life?
Not really, no. Win is loosely based on my college roommate, though in real life, he is less, er, psychotic than his fictional counterpart.
Where do you get your ideas?
It’s a corny cliché, but anything can stimulate an idea. The hard part is, recognizing which ideas will work and developing that idea into a workable story. An idea is not a plot. An idea is not a novel. Turning it into a story… that’s where the real work comes in.
What about the books PLAY DEAD and MIRACLE CURE? Did you write those?
Yes, in my youth — my early to mid-twenties — I wrote PLAY DEAD, a novel of romantic suspense, I guess, and MIRACLE CURE, which is more a medical thriller. They were out of print for many years, but both have recently be re-released and should be easy to find.
Any word on movies or TV shows?
The British crime drama, Harlan Coben’s THE FIVE, a ten episode series, is now available on Netflix. The French TV series NO SECOND CHANCE, which aired on TF1, will soon be on Netflix with English subtitles. TELL NO ONE, the hit French film, is now readily available with subtitles on DVD, Blu-Ray, Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Will you come to talk at our school, library, conference, etc?
Because of time constraints, family obligations and workloads, the number of appearances I do is limited. If you wish to make a request, you can send it here: jayme.boucher@hbgusa.com
Our book club is reading one of your books. Any suggested questions?
Actually, here is one where I’d love your help. If someone has some helpful questions, I’d be happy to post them here. I can tell you that the themes I love best involve family – the ties and bonds we all know. I enjoy stories where the past reverberates and sends shock waves to the present. I enjoy novels about old secrets and missing people who may still be alive, about loss, about redemption. That should get your started!
Do you have a favorite book of the ones you’ve written?
I’m going to trot out another cliché. The books are like my children. It’s hard and probably wrong to pick favorites.
Do you outline? Do you know the ending before you begin?
I don’t outline. I usually know the ending before I start. I know very little about what happens in between. It’s like driving from New Jersey to California. I may go Route 80, I may go via the Straits of Magellan or stopover in Tokyo… but I’ll end up in California.
Do you read every email yourself?
If the content is appropriate, yup, I read them all. Unfortunately I do not have the time to reply. I hope you understand.
How do I get published?
My advice would be to NOT try to market or sell your novel until it is done. I mean, completely done, done done, fully-finished and ready to go, and a few other redundant phrases like that. Sorry, for obvious reasons, I can’t read manuscripts or recommend an agent. I do suggest that you find an agent. There are many sources for that (the Writer’s Market is one). Then write the agents a fabulous one-page query letter that reads like the greatest flap copy in history. Make them hunger for more.
What is Yoo Hoo?
This link will explain all: https://www.yoo-hoo.com
Have you written any of the following: LEFT FOR DEAD, BOLITAR’S GAME or CRIMEZONE?
NO SECOND CHANCE was originally called LEFT FOR DEAD and some web sites and misprints still list it that way. Please ignore.
BOLITAR’S GAME is a book club ominibus — that is, it contains three Myron titles, not a new book. For details, check out the Mystery Guild’s web site.
CRIMEZONE is simply a magazine interview that is listed on certain sites as a collaboration or story. It is not.
In GONE FOR GOOD, I don’t get the epilogue/last page. How about a hint.
Re-read the first two or three pages of Chapter 52. In the US editions, pages 287-8 (hardcover) or pages 352-354 (paperback).
Is there or will there be a Myron book called The Rise and Fall of Super D?
No, “The Rise and Fall of Super D” was a short story. What you read is all there. You can find it in the USA in hardcover editions of THE INNOCENT. Not sure where it is published in other countries.
How can I get a signed copy of your book?
You can order signed copies of my books from Words Bookstore in Maplewood NJ
Click here to visit their website.
I’m interested in the character-naming charitable donation program. Where can I get more information?
For more information write to charity@harlancoben.com.